Once there was an old car. Well, a truck to be exact by the name of Ford. When it first rolled out of the factory, it was proud and eager to be on the road. As time passed by and the work went on, Ford felt like it could do anything for anyone. Then one day Ford noticed the other cars were passing him by, and as his voice got throaty and things were beginning to squeak, folks started to call him 'old'... there is one of them "old fords" they would say. Just the same, being a good ol' truck, he pushed on and wouldn't give up. Ford didn't recognize any of the young'ns anymore. The road felt bumpy and even the people different... all in a hurry to get some place. Well as the days rolled by Ford eventually found himself parked on an old side street in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The cobble-stone road and ocean breeze made him feel right at home and he thought that was it... I've had a good run at it. Then one day, a man came by and saw Old Ford. He said to him: 'I've been looking for you a long time. Folks told me there's an old ford parked down in Red Hook right by Sunny's, so I decided to go see for myself"."I'm so glad I found you", said the man. I've got a granddaughter with an old soul. She doesn't feel at home in the big city and needs someone to show her around... all the cars around look the same, come, go and die, but you're gonna live for ever". Well Old Ford perked up like he was still on the assembly line and from then on he wasn't 'an old ford' but came to be known as "The Old Ford".
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